We’re happy to introduce to you a Ghanaian-owned Christian Social Media app ISIT (In Spirit, In Truth) with Christian oriented approach and great features to come.
We’ve all been familiar with social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, YouTube, and the likes with the aim of connecting with friends, families, loved ones, and individuals beyond the confines of our geographical location, ISIT is here to project Christians-oriented content for individuals.

The main inspiration behind ISIT is to keep you inspired, motivated, and connected to clean and good content.
As much as we would all want to consume good and clean content on already existing social media platforms, this is unfortunately not so to a very big extent. These popular platforms come with inappropriate content every millisecond diluting the very core of our beliefs, especially for the young and unestablished believers.
ISIT is an app designed to keep you connected with the things of God as every upload is sieved through our powerful algorithm
Sign up, upload your profile, upload your Christian content such as sermons, and events, go live, meet your favorite preachers, music ministers, and Christians across the globe and stay away from the temptations of this word…ISIT is your social platform for the Godly generation…don’t miss out on the Spirit, connection, and the fun

Click here to sign up https://linktr.ee/isit.app